Immersion Devotion : Week of 09.18.06

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Live one step out of comfortable." Bill Johnson, Preacher.

I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I lived consistently outside my comfort zone. What if I really stepped out of my fear and did things I often shy away from? What would it be like if we all did? I imagine life would be extremely interesting and exciting... extraordinary in fact. Let's face it, most of us find security in a comfortable life... In our jobs, homes, relationships, having food to eat and a car to drive, surrounding ourselves with those that are similar to us, etc. While all of these things are good and there is nothing wrong with them, God wants so much more for us.

God isn't interested in our comfort and in what makes us happy but rather in His purposes and in making us holy. He longs to give us abundant life (John 10:10), which comes as we rely completely on Jesus and abandon our lives to the Holy Spirit. He desires us to trust Him to meet our every need and allow Him to do what He says He is going to do. While He doesn't promise comfort, God does promise to give us more than we can ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20) if we seek His kingdom first and walk in obedience to Him. I believe He is looking for those who are willing to accept His invitation to give up ordinary for extraordinary and truly live. Are you willing?

Prayer for the week: Holy Spirit, open our minds and hearts this week to living outside of our comfort zones. Strip down the fears we have that keep us from the abundant life You desire us to live. Give us a desperate hunger for You Jesus and the courage to begin taking steps, even baby ones, towards extraordinary life. May we continue to seek You in the journey of fulfilling our destinies. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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