Immersion Devotion : Week of 08.01.06

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God." William Carey, Missionary.

Hey Immersion, did you know that God wants to do amazing things in your life? He wants to put the puzzle pieces of your life together again, clean up the things that have been trampled through the mud, and restore your vision to see the Light of the World again?

Did you know He wants you to experience Him on every level of your being? Did you know He’s counting on you to count on Him when push comes to shove? To have a total and complete dependency on Him for everything that goes on in and through your life?

Why does He want this? First, because He loves you – He is love and He cannot help but love those whom He created. Second, because He wants you to be fueled by this expectancy so that you can go out and do great things for Him and His Kingdom. Not in a way that tries to earn His love, but in a way that is fueled by His love. You are filled up in order to reach out – this is the heart of God.

Prayer for the week: Father God, will you fill at Immersion, individually and corporately, with the desire to expect great things from you and to attempt great things for you and Your Kingdom. Help our hearts to be based in a faithful expectancy that You will move on our behalf – to trust Your Father heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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